Monday, December 26, 2011

Talks of Poop and FlargoonieButte

So life has been intersting over the past few days. I flew across country to see my partner and my daughter for Christmas, however, I was unable to see them due to various situations - some I am skeptical on, but o well. I honestly feel that my partner does not want to see me, but at the moment, it's whatever. I will get over it.

So yesterday, the greatest (hear the sarcasm) day of the year, I chose to be a nomad of my own. I hid out at my sister's house for a while before running up to Marland Heights to see a very good friend - that is like a sister to me. I've known her for over about 13 years. It was so fun to be in that house again. For some reason we ended up talking about poop. Yes, I said poop. LOL. Needless to say, Jen cleared the room with her poop talk, but nonetheless it was the first smile - and hysterical laugh- I had engaged in for a while. I forgot how uplifting and overall hysterical that house was. Well, after Jen had to start driving back to Ohio, I decided to grab a fabulous Christmas dinner at Sheetz  Made to Order and head over to my sister's work.

My sister works as a front desk associate at one of the three hotels in this little town. Due to the holiday no one was around. So, I went to spend time with her - coffee and Christmas dinner in hand - and plopped my booty on the hotel's front room couch in front of the TV. We watched Alvin and the Chipmunks and then an interview with James Durbin. He was so inspiring, intriguing and overall invigorating.

So after all of that, we realized she still had quite a few hours before she was able to get off work. Sooooo, we opted for Canasta. Canasta is the game my sister and I can play for hours. And I mean hours. I think we stayed up for 72 hours straight playing game after game after game before finally realizing - hey, its been dark and light 3 times, maybe we should sleep. That was how we spent our summers. Well, because neither of us keep two decks of cards in our back pocket anymore, that attempt failed. However, she found SCRABBLE.

Now, anyone who knows me, knows one particular thing.... I am a smart -ass. Literally. I am this person that loves words and I kick ass at Scrabble. My mom and I used to play when I was a kid in order to build my vocabulary. Well, it worked. So, my sister and I played one REAL game, one semi-real game and one "our" game. Let me define these for you. A real game of Scrabble is following the rules, keeping score and using real words - as noticed in Webster's Dictionary. A semi-real game started off as a game without keeping score, but odd, non-word words are thrown into the mix. For example. My sister plays the word "Teake". I ask her "Ronnie, what is that word?"  My lovely sister replies, "Its Teake... like "tea-key". You know, like what they have in Hawaii..." I look at her in utter shock and before I can stop myself I burst out "It is spelled T-I-K-I!!!!". The look on her face was then absolutely priceless. She then replied, "well today, it is spelled T-E-A-K-E!" LMAO.

So now the our game. Our game is played by putting all the tiles face up on the coffee table and trying to make the funniest, oddest, most flamboyant words EVER without actually using real words. For instance, we had slycooteroo, flargooneibutte, and swoodiepeckerie There are a few others but I do not remember them off hand.

SIDE BAR: flargooneibutte and swoodiepeckerie have the little red underline beneath the words, however slycooteroo does not! What the hell? LOL

So back on track. Needless to say, we about died. We then took out wooden tile-holder-thingymabobs and started waving them around like we were Harry Potter and took alternate turns in saying one of the words that was on the Scrabble board. All of a sudden, we both point at each each (with the wooden tile holder thingymabob) and say "Slycooteroo" together - same pitch, same tone, same timing. I don't think either of us breathed for two minutes.  My stomach hurt so bad from laughing from last night, I woke up this morning STILL sore from the laughter.

So then, around 11pm, my sister's "relief" comes into the hotel. We then talk about all these woods and my sister says "flargooniebutte is a disease of the ass!" All three of us begin to gasp for breath between fits of laughter. So then, Alison (i honestly do not know how she spells her name...Alyson, Allison, get the point) says "How would you use it in a sentence?" And somehow, out of no where, I come up with "MANNNNN that guy has some rank flargooniebutte!!!" Due to the laughter that ensues, I drop to my knees willingly so I did not risk falling. My sister says something smart-assed about my position (being on my knees) because I'm gay...and I honestly don't know why she came up with that. But of course, I had a smart ass remark of "I can lick pussy just fine from here". However, I don't think she heard me fully...because if she had, she would have probably fallen over with laughter...or embarrassment.

So that was my Christmas. It started off sucky and ended in my almost-death due to laughter. I love my sister. I am going to get a "space-saver" bag, stuff her in it and suck out all the air just so i can fit her in my suitcase and take her home with me. Wow, I didn't realize it, but it sounds like i wanna put her in a body bag....well, she can play dead. It'd be cheaper airfare!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Fall and Wake of It All... Liiterally....

So again it is past midnight and I am not able to fall asleep as swiftly as I would like. I haven't had much trouble falling asleep these past two months, but these past two days have been horrid. Yesterday, I finally wore myself out around 230am after rummaging through pre-stored clothing. I had gained a bunch of weight a few years ago, but kept all my old clothes...and thank GOD because I have dropped three pants sizes in 7 weeks - so I needed the smaller clothing. But, like I said, last night I rummaged through all my old clothes trying to figure out what did fit, what was too big and what was still too small (or too snug for my comfort).

Today, I came home from work and began giving the house a once-over (that i will finish on Friday morning) and I got 94% of my stuff packed for my cross-country flight Friday afternoon. All I have left is the basic stuff like face-wash, Stridex Pads, hair straightener, make up, belt... etc. Ya know...the stuff I'm going to use between now and then.

(Sidebar: As I'm typing this, my cat decided he is going to try to get into the big bag of fresh litter I bought two nights ago.... I am finding myself yelling "knock it off" and "get out of it" more and more these days. I feel bad for my friend who is taking him over the time I am gone! haha).

So the big question is:  "Why can't I seem to relax?"

Well, there are probably numerous answers to this vague question. Work is getting extremely busy and on top of the normal work load, I am being put on special assignment after special assignment. I don't mind them, I just wish I could get my own work completed as well. I am currently creating a MS Word Document that contains all the information for all the medical colleges I am applying to. Its a lot of information to comprehend.

Then there is always the more personal matters.... I'm going home. Or, at least that is what most would call it. I prefer to say "I'm going to Mom's" because home is 6 hours to the west of me, just off of Route 8. Even Arizona isn't really home anymore. I've had so many bad memories many tears. I feel that this was a transition place for me. However, I feel that the transition is slowly coming to an end. However, will I get accepted into the medical school that will allow me to actually go home? 

You may be wondering "where is home, exactly?" Home is, like I said, 6 hours to the west of my current location. It is surrounded by beaches, beautiful sunsets, sweet air, and a lightness in the energy. Home is San Diego, CA.  I do not know anyone there. I've only been there three times, yet each time I've graced San Diego's limits, my heart settles down in the nearest nook of the city. I am especially in love with Poway/Rancho Bernardo/Carmel Mountain area - yet I also adore Mission Beach. It’s pretty crowded, but out of the beaches I've been to, it’s my favorite. I didn't care too much for Oceanside. The pier was nice, the surf was amazing and the coffee...addicting. However, I wasn't too impressed with the beach itself. Oceanside did give me the chance to experience a whole different type of coffee though - which, I do admit, I am addicted to. There's this lil coffee house called Maui Wowi on the boardwalk. I went it and ordered a Mocha Almond Frappuchino. Well, I didn't know this, but it is Hawaiian coffee with a banana base. O.M.G. I was addicted. I drank mine and my girlfriend's. LOL. Well I found a Maui Wowi here in Phoenix, so a friend of mine went up and grabbed a drink - nope. it was not the same. It actually kinda sucked. So, I know when I go back to San Diego, I am taking the 20 minutes out of my way and going to Oceanside...just so I can get my authentic Mocha Almond Frappuchino - even if it is freezing outside.

San Diego just seems like home to me. It's where I feel I belong. But anyways, on Friday I begin the journey to go back to the area that I grew up in/around. My first stop is Pittsburgh, PA - which is the closet major city to my small hometown. Then, I make the 30 minute journey out of the city to the conservative, relatively tiny West Virginia town of Weirton. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad i get to see my mom, my stepdad, my sister....hell my girlfriend and my daughter - both whom I haven't laid eyes on in 7 weeks... but, I just don't like being up there. Every time I go back, I am reminded of the pain and the chains that I was once in. I look at my friends and see that they are ALL doing the same thing- married young, having babies, living in a purchased house. They all have that "small town, girl next door" lifestyle. I don't have that. I never wanted that. Yet, I always get scrutinized for my choices. At any given day being back home, I get at least 2-3 friends asking me (more like begging me) to move back home. WHY???

Ok, So funny thing… I fell asleep – while typing the text above.. HAHA. So much for a sleep aid. “No Dr. I don’t need Lunesta, I blog to make me conk out!”
Today is one day closer to going to Pittburgh, PA. Again…not home. Not really. I am just not that small town girl that I grew up to be. I believed I could be anything – and I became anything. I became what I wanted to become.  O well, I think I’m done on that rant.
I have seriously thought about trading my ticket for one going to San Diego. I know that would be horrid… but can’t you imagine? It’s Christmas and you are sitting by a fire pit on the beach bundled in your favorite hoodie as you watch the tide reach out to you and then recede?  I could so picture that…..
Don’t get me wrong guys…family…is very important. However, it is more important to some than it is to others. If family is your “thing” – then good for you! It’s just not my favorite thing in the world. I used to do so much because of my family. I used to change because of them or…worse…for them. You have to remember, while it is important to appreciate your family, it is also important to be true to yourself.  Point blank – the members of your family will die. I don’t mean to be harsh or unattached from that scenario, but it’s the truth. They will die…before you or after you. However, you are only stuck with one person for the rest of your life. You are stuck with you. 
Ponder on that for a while….

Sunday, December 18, 2011

You Can't Fight a Ghost....

Five days. Five days until I am on a plane to Pittsburgh, PA. Five days until I see my girlfriend and my daughter for the first time in 7 weeks. Five days until I face my fear of flying alone. Five days until my life may or may not change....

It's a lot to put on "five days". The constant ramblings of my mind take over conscious thoughts and it constantly puts me in a bewildered state. Will my daughter remember me? She's only 17 months old and she hasn't seen me in almost 2 months. Will I be able to adapt back to having a child in the house once we all come back to Arizona?  I've been childless for 7 weeks and I have adapted to the quiet - to no other sounds except birds chirping, airplanes flying overhead and the frequent "click clack, click clack" of the keyboard beneath my ever-moving fingers.

Will she love me still? I have changed a lot in the past 2 months. I changed my lifestyle, I've dealt with past issues and I have unlocked parts of myself that were chained so tightly. I have allowed myself to fully be me - a person she has never seen. She tells me she will love me, but I cannot take her word for granted. How do you ever really know if you love someone (or can love someone) until you are around them and get to know them? We have to start at a semi-square one and I don't believe she understands that. There are many things she does not know about me. Will it be too much work for her to find out? Will she be put off by my dominance? I used to be passive towards her. When she would say "I don't want you drinking so much coffee," I would listen and I would always feel guilty if I had coffee. However, since she has been gone, coffee has been a part of my morning routine and it will continue to be once she is back here. She would yell at me if I ate cereal for dinner and so I would feel guilty and I would eat something that I didn't really want to just to appease her. However, if it is late, I am going to eat cereal for dinner. It's better than not eating at all. I am 25, almost 26 years old.

I would do the same to her though at times. But not anymore. She is 24 years old - she's a big girl. If she wants to pull the "you do this or I'm not doing it either", well, she can. I'm not letting her manipulate me anymore - even if it is with good intentions and I am, in return, going to make sure I do not manipulate her. I think as women, its easier to manipulate others....even if we do not realize that is what we are doing. Some of this is brought on by wanting the best for each other. However, sometimes we don't always know what is best for the other one. I'm not saying she has bad intentions, because she doesn't. However, I retook hold over my own life these past weeks and I am not giving it back. I am worried she won't like who I am anymore.

At times, I feel she and I are more best friends than girlfriends to begin with. We work well with each other, but there's so much "missing" between us that I feel should be there between two people in a relationship.  I have mixed feelings about this. I think one good thing about her being gone for so long is I have finally realized a few things... The first is if I ever needed to be, I'd be okay being alone. Cause I'm not really alone. I still have people surrounding me, I have my writing, my books, my school work, my job, and everything else to keep me occupied. The second is that there would be other people who could love me. I used to hold so tightly to her because I thought no one but her would ever love me. That's not the case. No, I'm not Eliza Dushku, but I am beautiful and I  am  incredible. Two things I never thought I'd hear myself say about me.

I've always said "Life isn't about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself", and I still believe that is true. However, when you get to a point where you've gathered bits and parts of yourself and you've hidden that away for so long because you were hurt...its like...its like after so long of hiding, you can't breathe. You feel like you are suffocating and there is no one to blame but yourself. That's the point I hit a while back. I've used this alone time to weed out the "muck" and polish the aspects of myself that I enjoy and that are crucial to my being. Changing and forming yourself is mostly attitude. It's a decision. Sometimes you will have to go through the bad and the ugly. You may have to deal with things from your past. But how do you fight a ghost? That's what the past is isn't it?  A ghost?

Fighting your inner demons and the "ghost of self past" is never an easy feat, yet it is important and critical to allowing yourself to live life. I've had to fight them. I am still fighting them. One ghost or one demon at a time. Never try to take it all at once, because you will not be able to handle it. Creating yourself and becoming who you want to be - who you see yourself as - is not simple and it does not happen over night. It is a long, tedious process, but it is well worth it in the end. I am still not who I want to be. I am still on that road of creating myself, and I think that as people, we are always creating ourselves. We are always growing and learning. If we stop growing - stop changing - then we die, be it physically, mentally or emotionally.

Guys, allow yourself to change. Don't be afraid it. It's okay to be anxious, nervous and even a little scared of the outcome of change, but don't let that fear stop you from changing. Embrace it. Be who YOU want YOU to be. Not what someone else wants you to be. Don't ever hide yourself. You will lose yourself and you will desperately wish you hadn't begun hiding in the first place. Don't ever give up.

Keep Strong-

All my love

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dreamin'....and a Lil Taste of Liquid Courage

Well, last weekend marked the end of milestone....well, sorta. At the beginning of this semester I had 3 years until I could attend medical school and now I have 2 1/2. Now, many of you may say "Samantha, 2 1/2 years? You have a while..that's a long time away." Which in most cases, those people saying that would be right. However, since I changed direction mid-major and decided to be CRAZY and go after my dream of being a medical doctor, it is not that long of stretch of time. I have to fit at least 8 science courses, 1 trig course, 1 calculus course, 1-2 medical terminology courses and the rest of the psychology courses I need to completely my dual degree in 5 semesters. On top of this, I also have to prepare for the MCAT which I will have to take during the 3rd or 4th semester.

(A side note, I received my grades in my classes this semester and added up, I have a 4.33 GPA!! YEA BUDDY!)

Academically, I think I am insane, yet it doesn't stop there. In addition to having to complete all the academic requirements, I also must keep my M-F 8-5 job and I must keep up tutoring the kids I do because, well, a) I love it and b) it looks good on a resume. Then comes clinicals. Over this coming summer I am going to be starting volunteering at the Children's hospital in order to get clinical time under my belt. I have many things to juggle both professionally and academically and anyone who says that I do not work hard...well, honestly they can kiss my ass because I'd like them to try to pull all of this off with....the last 1/3 of the pie.

People's lives can usually be put into three categories: educational, professional and personal. I have yet to talk about the personal. I am currently in a long-term relationship with the mother of my daughter. However, my situation is a little different than most. My daughter...was not planned nor was she a result of a bad judgement call. My daughter is the "beauty from ashes" result of a very horrific event that happened to my partner. Being the person I am, I could not walk away when she needed me the most. I have not walked away since and I do not plan to walk away. I have no idea how I am going to accomplish everything I need to in order to not only get into medical school but get through it while having a family that I must support, but I know that I can do the impossible.

I have so many plans for my life. So many thoughts and "I'd like to do this" ideas. I love to write. I love to share what I have gone through to young women and to kids. I feel that because of what I have gone through as a child, as a teen and as a young adult I can impart knowledge and wisdom into open minds. I never claimed to be "good" at writing, I just claim the love of it. It allows me a release like no other - not drugs, alcohol, sex...  Nothing quite consumes me like writing....well that's a lie. A good book....and I'm a critic, so I mean it has to be a goooooood book. Right now, my addiction is being sedated by an amazing series called The Calliope Reaper-Jones Novels by Amber Benson. I didn't even know she had her own series until last month. Once I found out, I "youtubed" her book readings and listened to opinions about the book then finally got my own copy of the first. I couldn't put it down. Now I am on the second - and I am still just as addicted.

Writing and reading give me a way of dealing with present day issues, just in different ways. Reading a book takes me into another world and I get so wrapped up into the character that my body (and my brain) can recoop from present day drama. Writing offers a way of getting everything that had flooded my already crammed brain out. It gives me an outlet...and a much needed one.

This morning I woke up to another random call from "Unknown". I have eliminated the possibility of it being a telemarketer or bill collector (yes, I am 25... I have bill collectors - actually someone thinks I am Elizabeth Jenkins  - so Ms Jenkins if you are reading this [which you probably are not], please tell Son-Huy-Yo that my phone number is not yours, because she obviously isn't listening it me), so that leaves two likely options around a multitude of possibilities - being a) my ex or b) a Spanish-speaking Arizonian who -for some strange reason - thinks I am his "Ese" or "Mamasita". Let me make things crystal ok? I am not prejudice, I dislike everyone equally - especially when they wake me at 8am on my Saturday to sleep in. ok?  So either way, I have not found out who "Unknown" is because if it happens to be the first possibility I may just lash out and hex her over the phone.

Ok, So back to the story.  After my 8am wake up call from "Unknown" I didn't feel like getting out of bed, so I watched How I Met Your Mother and screwed around on twitter for a lil. Then, at 9 I get another call. My phone was under my pillow and I practically ripped the bed apart looking for it. When I looked down at the ID, I saw it was Dr. Blizzard.  (My mom gave me Dr. B's number a couple days ago so that I could input the numbers into my phone so I would know it was him if he called). Now, don't freak out. Dr. Blizzard is the man who performed a research study on the Human Growth Hormone that my stepdad was in during the 60's. My mom, my stepdad and Dr. Blizzard met a couple months ago and asked my mom a lot of questions about me... because I'm pre-med and everything. Well, he also asked her if I would consider going to the University of Virginia - which is where he teaches.

So in a matter of 3 seconds, I tried to wake myself up enough to be coherent to the 90year old man that would be on the other end of the line. We talked for approximately 20 minutes about my grades (it confused him because I have higher than a 4.0 and so I had to explain that my university accepts + or -  into their calculations), about choosing a medical school, perhaps going D.O. instead of M.D., a study about psychological trauma and its effects on the HGH (as well as how he is going to send me a transcript of that study), and about when I come to UVA in the summer to look around, I need to call him so we can meet. I think in 20 minutes I charmed the man over. He told me how incredible he thinks I am. I told him about the situation I am in - being a full time employee, a tutor, a mom, a dual time student (12 credits at one school, 12 credits at a second school), a lgbtq mentor and a partner. He told me that I sound like someone who could handle the stress and quick pace of the job. He kept telling me how he was moved by my passion and my drive. This conversation seriously, put me on top of the world this morning. 

In relation to this, as long as finances are a-ok, I made a deal with myself. If I received an "A" or higher in one of the classes I didn't think I was doing so hot in, I would get myself a present. So my sister and I are going to go to her tattoo shop on the 30th. I am getting the first out of the 3 symbols of my survival tattooed on. For this to make any sense, there's a few things you must know about me...

The first, is I was abused as a kid. The second is that I came out as being gay in a conservative and Christian community. The third - when my ex wife and I split, I went down a very dark and dangerous path. I was cutter for most of my life, I did drugs from the time i was 16, I drank myself stupid and when my ex and i broke up, I found that I was sleeping with any and every girl I could. I moved to Arizona to get away from all of that. And since, I've rebuilt myself from the ground up. Now, I want to go into medical school and really make a change. I want to find the cause of autism and develop a treatment plan based on that cause. I then want to set up my own orgaization - which I'll define and breakdown for ya'll in another post sometime.

Anyway- I am 25 years old and just embarking on the pre-med degree. I have a family, a job...a life. So, I want to get a set of 3 tattoos. The Japanese symbol for love on my left wrist, the symbol for faith on the back of my neck and the symbol for dream on my right wrist. In order to accomplish what I have set out for myself to accomplish, I must continue to have these three in my life at all times. Without love you cannot have faith. Without faith you cannot dream. Without dreams, you cannot love.

SO, my sister and I are going to go get the first of three done. Since I want to go to medical school, I cannot have any visible tattoos. So I am going to go get the symbol for faith done on the back of my neck. It's going to be small and discrete but it will serve as a reminder that I must...MUST have faith. When my sister and i were talking about this, I asked her one simple question.... "Do you have any vodka?"  she replied with the typical "No, but I can get some." Now I know, you're not supposed to drink before getting a tattoo...however, the thought of a lot of tiny needles going into my skin at a very fast pace terrifies the hell out of me. Therefore, I will need a shot (or two) of liquid courage.  wish me luck. lol

So guys, take a lesson from me...keep your faith. keep dreaming. keep loving. When you have a dream - don't even give up on it. The dream will not come true if you sit on your couch and watch TV all damn day. You HAVE to put in the effort. You have to work for it. However, while you are working for it, don't let obstacles stop you. Each obstacle you encounter serves as a reminder that you are one step closer to the finish line. Dreams come true guys. Never give up on them. You have to keep going. Keep dreaming. Even if it seems impossible. NOTHING is impossible. And when you are at the edge of dreaming and giving up... take a drink of liquid courage. =)


Ok, So I know I started a "story" type thing with the whole "part 1" labeling. I will continue - this is my...well, its a form of getting everything out and letting it go. After opening myself back up to things, I'm remembering a lot and I need some place to jot them down. So this it is.

However, in between continuous parts of that "story", I will be writing other blogs. So stay tuned

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Story of a Girl - Part 1 A

You say you are better than me. You try to destroy me. You try to take what I have built around me. Why do you hate me? You say you know how I am. It's been 4 years. You don't know me anymore. Your actions sadden me. You have turned from this magnificent, amazing, beautiful young woman into a monstrous, vile, corrupt, destructive ghost.  What happened to you?

PART 1 A- Friendship: The beginning

Let me tell ya'll about a certain person. I met a girl way back in 2003. She was dating my sister's best friend (who my sister was also totally in love with). This girl was "gothic". She had dark eyes and a mesmerizing smile. She had long, dark hair. She was the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. She got engaged and then shortly after, she and the guy split. I guess it was a very bloody breakup.

I looked up and saw her standing in the front of the church receiving prayer from the pastor. When I looked into her eyes  I could see the pain and the despair rising with each breath she took. I immediately gave her my number and told her to call if she needed anything. I told her I would always be there for her, no matter what. Days went by and I didn't hear from her. So I called her. We began a friendship.

For a year, we danced around each other. I was always there for her. She would scream at me and tell me she didn't love, she didn't need me and she didn't want me around. My usual reply? "Have you eaten?" I never let her words get to me because I knew that she needed someone - maybe not me, but someone. I remember the day she saw him at Eat N Park. My boyfriend and his best friend had come down and we all hung out - my sister included. She saw him and she became paralyzed. i could feel the change in her energy; I could hear the uneasiness in her breaths. She latched onto my shoulders for support because she couldn't stand. I transferred all of my energy directly into her  - at least as much as I could without passing out. I calmed her. I held her.

The year was full of interesting events. Applebee's runs, Tominson Run Park walks, Walmart trips for the hell of it... She quickly became my best friend. We'd go to my room and lay on my bed and listen to mix tapes that I had recorded. When Usher, Shania Twain or J-Lo would play, she would sing and I would laugh because it was horridly yet purposely off-key. Yet when a song played that she loved, I would hear her true voice and it was like angels were in my room. I remember taking her to a psychology debate that one of my favorite professors was heading. She asked me all these serious questions and I was able to show her my true intellectual self.  She told me I reminded her of Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer - powerful yet completely academically dorky and quirky. I had never seen Buffy, so I had no idea who she was talking about. I'd randomly get outta class early and speed to her high school so I could surprise her and pick her up. She'd always ask me "Does my mom know?" and what she never realized is I had always called her mom and asked permission before I even left the college.

I remember the first time she told me she was developing feelings for me. We were on our way out of Raccoon State Park and we stopped on the side of the road, got out of the car and sat on an old, rugged picnic table. She told me that she always liked girls, but that she thought she was falling in love with me. At this point, she had chopped all of her hair off. She had attempted to dye it blonde and it was more of a reddish-orange than blonde. She wearing light blue jeans and a black and pink fairy shirt. Totally different than what she was when we had originally first met. I told her that I was straight and that I couldn't be gay. Homosexuality was wrong in God's eyes, but that wouldn't mean I'd stop hanging out with her. After the light turned dark, we went to dinner - to none other than the famous Applebees.

We were inseparable.  I taught her many things and she taught me many things. We found a place of refuge in each other. We found an incredible friendship. She would hold me when I would cry about my father. She would hold me after I told her I was raped. I told her everything about me - my fears, my desires, my wants...everything. I wanted to go to Australia and attend Hillsong International Leadership College. She told me she couldn't bear to be 4 years without me, so she was coming with. We even created avatars and made a book about going and what we would study, where we would stay and what all we had to do before we went. I was going into Counseling and she was going into Youth Ministry. She told me she always wanted to go to Lee University - which was a huge Christian university in Tennessee (maybe it was of those states).  She said she always felt the desire to help young kids and young teenagers. I saw how she interacted with pre-teens and i thought that was an AMAZING idea and she would be sooooo good at it. However, when I told her I wanted to go to Hillsong, she told me that she would come with me and we could embark on the adventure of a new country together - that way i'd be less scared.

It was a friendship like i never thought i'd ever have. There was something so special about it. She made me feel like I was worth everything that my father ever told me was lie. She made me feel beautiful and alive. I could finally open up and tell a joke. I told her one day I wanted to wear make up, but I didn't know the first thing about it. We went up to my room and she helped me apply my first eyeliner (that i did willingly), eyeshadow and mascara. When it all was done, she took a step back and gently exhaled and said "breath-taking".  I probably blushed like a school girl - but then again, I kinda was one. I began wearing dresses, skirts, girly tops and different shoes. I felt like a butterfly. 

Every time my father would threaten my mother or he would call me or make an ass of himself - she was always there.  She was never selfish. She was totally worried about me, my sanity and my safety. She found scars on my wrists one day. We talked about why they were there. They were fresh. I showed her my outer thighs that were covered in deep, blood red streaks. Those cuts still burned. She put her hand on my jagged skin, looked me in the eyes and told me they were beautiful. She told me that scars tell a story and they are nothing to be ashamed of. She made me promise that any time i felt like cutting, i would call her first. I promised. One day, I felt like cutting so badly and I called her. She had her mom drive her to my house and she ran up the stairs to my room as I was fighting with a blade. The blade was facing outwards - she could see it, but she didn't care. She covered my sitting form with her body and blade cut her stomach through her shirt. I heard her cry out in pain, but she didn't move. She wouldn't let go of me. I dropped the blade and it landed on the floor between my knees. She held me tighter and I grabbed onto her and cried. Blood soaked through her shirt - she had to have been in a massive amount of pain, but she never showed it.  As my crying jag came to a slow halt, she eased away from me. Her blood that had soaked through her shirt had transferred onto my bare stomach. I hated myself for hurting her. She was an angel that was sent to help me. Yet she thought I was the angel sent to help her.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Triangle Tara

Triangle Tara is well...a doll. A doll for charity. Sound a bit weird? Well, it kinda is, but it's original and that's the one and only thing we can all expect from Amber Benson. Each year around the holiday season, Amber Benson begins to sell the "Triangle Tara" and the first week she is sold, the price is $100 with 100% of all the proceeds go to the LA Food Bank and the remaining time she is sold through the holidays Triangle Tara's price increases to $125 with 50% of the proceeds going directly to the LA. Food Bank.

This year, Amber is also including a few different ways to benefit the LA Food Bank AND at the same time give back to her fans. Not everyone can afford a $100-$125 doll - even if it is for charity. That's just a reality. SO, with that being said, Amber has created a few contests. If you donate $10 or more to the LA. Food Bank AND send your receipt into the email provided on the charity's site, then you will be entered to win a Triangle Tara doll or a mystery prize. Three people will be randomly chosen for these prizes.

If you are like me - broke as hell - there is a way for you to help too! Simply SPREAD THE WORD. Get on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace (who even uses Myspace anymore?), Blogger, LiveJournal, Xanga (again, who uses Xanga?) or any other social medium readily available to you and talk about the charity and the cause for it. Then, email the charity (again, on the email provided listed on the site - which i will list below) and tell Amber where you posted/talked about the charity event. After doing this very minimal task (honestly, if I don't see 10,000 posts about this on Facebook, I'm going to be one is asking for your left arm), you will be entered to win a signed photo of Amber Benson wearing...wait for it... a Justin Bieber shirt!  Ok...ya'll can stop laughing - actually don't, since it is pretty hysterical. However, from Tweets, Amber doesn't have Bieber Fever, it was a scavenger hunt that she got "sucked" into. Regardless, the photo is still pretty funny and is sure to make you - or anyone else for that matter - have at least a smile.

Ok everyone, so you know what to do... Mosey your booty over to...
and help Amber raise money for food.